Welcome to ONLC Training Centers

Microsoft Project Training & Courses

Looking to streamline your project management skills? ONLC offers hands-on, instructor-led classes and self-paced On-Demand courses to help you master Microsoft Project no matter your skill level.

A Microsoft Project training course can help you build essential skills and prepare for Microsoft Project certification. ONLC Training Centers offers courses led by professional trainers to get you up to speed quickly and help you master this essential project management software.

Why Choose Microsoft Project?

Microsoft Project is a versatile and robust project management tool tailored for project managers, teams, and decision-makers. It enables users to create detailed plans, manage tasks effectively, and streamline project schedules. Combining intuitive usability with advanced features, Microsoft Project helps businesses execute their projects with greater precision and efficiency.

Microsoft Project Training Resources

At ONLC you pick the class format that's best for your learning style

Instructor-led Training (ILT) -or- On-Demand
Instructor-led Training (ILT ) classes are live, interactive, and hands-on. Participate from any of ONLC's nationwide centers click link or join remotely from your own location click link. Our Microsoft Project courses feature online instructors who can see your tasks and provide real-time assistance to boost your skills. Audio is via hands-free device, so students can easily ask questions and join discussions.

On-Demand courses, however, are self-paced and include video tutorials, labs, resources, and exercises. You use your own equipment with 24/7 access for several months. See Microsoft Project classes click link.

Savings for Business Professionals

Check out these ONLC value-adds when you attend our public ILT training.
Get more with an ONLC training course! Learn confidently using our money-back guarantee click link, and attend a free refresher course click link if needed. These perks are included with our public, instructor-led Microsoft Project classes. For larger training needs, ONLC Learning Credits offer discounts to help you stretch your budget - learn more here click link. The more courses you buy, the more you save!

Group Training

Group Training from ONLC

Upskill your project management team with ONLC's Group Training for Microsoft Project and more. Instructors can train onsite, in-person, or virtually for teams at multiple locations. Private training can be customized to fit your goals, schedule, and budget. Learn more and get a quote: Group Training .

Microsoft Project Classes, Topics, Schedule & Prices

Microsoft Project Level 1: Comprehensive Introduction


This learning course is designed to familiarize you with the basic features and functions of Microsoft Project so you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world project management environment. This project management course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan during the planning phase of a project.

Version Note

This learning course is taught using Microsoft 2019 software but it is also applicable to users of Project Online and earlier versions of the Project desktop software. Instructors will note any features that are exclusive to 2019. This is an excellent introduction for users of Project 2019, Project Online, or earlier versions of the project management software.

Note: This management course is for anyone who has Project on the desktop, regardless of whether they purchased an “on-premise” edition or subscribed to a “cloud-based” (online) edition. Most project managers and project team members use the desktop application, so that is the main focus of this course. The main features of the online app are presented in an appendix.

PDU Credits

Our Registered Education Provider (REP) number is: 3452
This course is worth: 14 PDU's

Target Student

This course is designed for a person with general desktop computer skills who will be responsible for creating and maintaining project plans. This course will give you the fundamental understanding of Microsoft Project necessary to construct basic project plans. This essential training is ideal for beginner level students because it covers the basics of Microsoft Project.


To ensure your success in this learning course, you should have basic knowledge and skills using the Microsoft® Windows® operating system—preferably the most current version. While you do not need to be an expert, some experience and competency with Microsoft Office applications, particularly Word and Excel®, will be useful when completing the project training course.

NOTE: If you already have a basic understanding of how to use Microsoft Project or are self-taught using Project and want additional practice with project management concepts, topics, and techniques, you should consider the second classes in this series, Microsoft Project Level 2: Mastering Project (55301)

Course Objectives

In this management learning course, you will be able to construct basic project plans using Microsoft Project and will cover a variety of topics. You will:
• Identify project management concepts and navigate Microsoft Project Professional.
• Create a new project plan.
• Add tasks to a project.
• Manage task relationships within a project.
• Manage project resources.
• Finalize a project plan.
• Update a project plan.
• Generate project views to manage a project.
• Create project reports to share a project's status.
• Reuse project plan information.
• Work with multiple projects.


Lesson 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Project

  • Topic A: Identify Project Management Concepts
  • Topic B: Navigate in the Microsoft Project Desktop Environment

Lesson 2: Defining a Project

  • Topic A: Create a New Project Plan File
  • Topic B: Set Project Plan Options
  • Topic C: Assign a Project Calendar

Lesson 3: Adding Project Tasks

  • Topic A: Add Tasks to a Project Plan
  • Topic B: Enter Task Duration Estimates

Lesson 4: Managing Tasks

  • Topic A: Create a Work Breakdown Structure
  • Topic B: Define Task Relationships
  • Topic C: Schedule Tasks

Lesson 5: Managing Project Resources

  • Topic A: Add Resources to a Project
  • Topic B: Create a Resource Calendar
  • Topic C: Enter Costs for Resources
  • Topic D: Assign Resources to Tasks
  • Topic E: Resolve Resource Conflicts

Lesson 6: Finalizing a Project Plan

  • Topic A: Optimize a Project Plan
  • Topic B: Set a Baseline
  • Topic C: Share a Project Plan

Lesson 1: Updating a Project Plan

  • Topic A: Enter Task Progress
  • Topic B: Enter Overtime Work
  • Topic C: Edit Tasks
  • Topic D: Update Cost Rate Tables
  • Topic E: Update a Baseline

Lesson 2: Viewing Project Progress

  • Topic A: Use View Commands
  • Topic B: Add a Custom Field
  • Topic C: Create Custom Views
  • Topic D: Format and Share the Timeline View

Lesson 3: Reporting on Project Progress

  • Topic A: View Built-in Reports
  • Topic B: Create Custom Reports
  • Topic C: Create a Visual Report

Lesson 4: Reusing Project Plan Information

  • Topic A: Create a Project Plan Template
  • Topic B: Share Project Plan Elements with Other Plans

Lesson 5: Working with Multiple Projects

  • Topic A: Share Resources
  • Topic B: Link Project Plans

Appendix A: Exploring Project Management in the Cloud

Dates Times Location Price
3/31/25 - 4/1/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $795

4/24/25 - 4/25/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $795

5/12/25 - 5/13/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $795

6/5/25 - 6/6/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $795

More Dates    Quote

Microsoft Project Level 2: Mastering Project (55301)


This three-day instructor-led learning course is intended for individuals who are interested in expanding their knowledge base and technical skills with Microsoft Project. The course begins with a quick review of the basic Microsoft Project concepts and leads students through all the functions they’ll need to plan and manage a small to medium-size project, including how to level resources and capture both cost and schedule progress.

It is meant to be a follow-on to our Microsoft Project Level 1 course and provides additional practice with the tool, a deeper exploration of the advanced techniques, and more time reviewing project management concepts important to the successful planning and delivery of projects on time and within budget.

Audience Profile

This learning course is intended for novice and experienced project managers, managers, schedulers, and other project stakeholders who need to incorporate the discipline of project management with Microsoft Project 2019.

*** Project Series Note ***

This class is the second part of our two-part series that provides a complete overview of the main features in Microsoft Project. While there is some review of basic Microsoft Project concepts, this Level 2 class provides a deeper exploration and additional practice with Project. If you are not already familiar with Microsoft Project you should instead consider the first class in this series, Microsoft Project Level 1: Comprehensive Introduction


Though not required, attendees should have prior experience using Microsoft Project such as what you'd receive by attending our first course in this series: Microsoft Project Level 1: Comprehensive Introduction.

At Course Completion

• Understand the discipline of project management as it applies to using Microsoft Project 2019.
• Create a Work Breakdown Structure.
• Identify Task Types & Relationships.
• Define Resources within Project.
• Make Work Package Estimates.
• Create an Initial Schedule.
• Create a Resource Leveled Schedule.
• Create Projects from templates, Excel files.
• Create Global templates.
• Create formulas and graphical indicators.
• The steps to record a macro.
• Format Output and Print Reports.
• Integrate Multiple Projects.
• Set up a Project with a Calendar, Start date, and scheduling method.
• Understand Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule.
• Manage multiple projects.
• Be able to create a master project list with shared resources.


Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft Project

  • This module provides an overview of how the features of Project relate to the job of the project manager. The module also teaches the student how to access different features by navigating through the ribbon.
  • Lessons
  • Describe how Project relates to the discipline of Project management.
  • Learn what the new features are in Project 2019.
  • Navigate to the primary views available using the Ribbon.
  • Choose Views that display task, resource, or assignment information.
  • Select table within views to change the information that is available to see and edit.
  • Relate the features of Project to the 5 steps for building a plan in Project.
  • Learn new accessibility features in Project
  • Lab 1: Introduction to Mastering Microsoft Project
  • Learn how to change views from a table to a chart.
  • Learn the different subcommands that are under each command group.
  • Learn what functions are under the format tab.
  • Learn how to access the backstage.

Module 2: A Quick and Easy Overview of Managing with Project

  • This module explains how to create and use Microsoft Project 2019 through the life cycle of a project.
  • Lessons
  • Create a new project and prepare it for data entry.
  • Enter project tasks.
  • Sequence the tasks.
  • Define resources.
  • Estimate Task duration and assign resources.
  • Baseline the project.
  • Track project progress.
  • Lab 1: Creating a Basic Project with a template
  • Learn how to create a project plan from a template.
  • Learn how to turn off the timeline.
  • Learn how to change the project start date.
  • Learn how to add holidays to the company calendar.
  • Lab 2: Creating a Basic Project
  • Learn how to add resources and their cost.
  • Learn how to switch views.
  • Learn how to insert summary tasks.
  • Learn how to link tasks and summary tasks.

Module 3: Setting Up a Project

  • This module explains how to create a new project and establish the basic constraints that Microsoft Project will use for its calculations.
  • Lessons
  • Use multiple methods to create a new project from an Excel file and a SharePoint Tasks list.
  • Establish one or more calendars to constrain resource availability.
  • Configure Project to calculate the schedule from the Start Date forward, or from the Finish Date backward.
  • Lab 1: Setting Up a Project
  • Learn how to add Holidays to the company calendar.
  • Learn how to make a custom calendar.
  • Learn how to set the Project Start date.
  • Learn how to set constraints.

Module 4: Manually Schedule vs. Auto Schedule

  • This module explains how to manually schedule project tasks and how to leverage the auto schedule feature.
  • Lessons
  • Students practice switching tasks between Manually Schedule and Auto Schedule modes. By switching modes, students learn the impact made on the project schedule and the individual tasks.
  • Lab 1: Explore Task Modes
  • Describe which project functions are turned off for tasks using Manually Schedule mode.
  • Change the task mode from Manually Schedule to Auto Schedule and back.
  • Identify tasks that are in Manually Schedule mode by the task mode column and shape on the Gantt chart.
  • Describe situations that are particularly appropriate for using Manually Schedule.
  • Describe the limitations that a user must be aware of when using Manually Schedule mode.

Module 5: Creating a Work Breakdown Structure

  • This module explains how to create a useful work breakdown structure and enter it into Microsoft Project.
  • Lessons
  • Build and use summary and subordinate tasks.
  • Understand and use milestones.
  • Develop WBS Outlines.
  • Assign completion criteria.
  • Evaluate the WBS.
  • Understand and use WBS templates.
  • Lab 1: Manipulate a WBS
  • Learn how to create and manipulate WBS.
  • Learn how to utilize an Outline.
  • Learn how to create notes within tasks.
  • Lab 2: Supporting the Project Plan
  • Learn how to hyperlink project artifacts to your project plan.
  • Learn how to create reoccurring tasks.

Module 6: Identifying Task Relationships

  • This module explains the rules for establishing dependency links between tasks and how to use Project to display these dependencies.
  • Lessons
  • Understand the different types of task relationships.
  • Understand and use various methods to create relationships.
  • Determine and display task sequence.
  • Understand and use lag, lead, and delay.
  • Understand the new feature of Task Paths.
  • Lab 1: Display the sequence
  • Identify the different ways to create dependent relationships
  • Format a Network diagram.
  • Modifying dependency lines.
  • Modifying items to be shown on the critical path.

Module 7: Defining Resources within Project

  • This module explains how to enter resources and specific resource information in Microsoft Project and assign resources to specific tasks.
  • Lessons
  • Define resource types.
  • Define individual resources that will be used on the project.
  • Record the cost (s) of using each type of resource.
  • Record the limit of availability for each type of resource by establishing a resource calendar and defining the maximum units of that resource.
  • Lab 1: Resource Calendar and Availability
  • Add holidays to a standard calendar.
  • Applying different types of calendars to a project and analyzing the impact to the project schedule.
  • Applying vacation schedules to the calendar.
  • Replace resources based upon the resource’s calendar.

Module 8: Making Work Package Estimates

  • This module explains how Microsoft Project calculates task duration, task work (effort) and task resources. Students will be able to choose among three task types as they enter task estimates and they will know which task type is appropriate for the type of estimate they are making.
  • Lessons
  • Enter estimates for duration and costs for each task.
  • Distinguish between task types and describe when each is appropriate.
  • Describe the relationship between work, units, and duration.
  • Describe the way Effort Driven scheduling is affected by work, units, and duration.
  • Assign tasks to resources using the Team Planner view.
  • Lab 1: Work, Duration and Labor
  • Analyze the impact of duration, work, and labor.
  • Create material resources and assign costs to the resource.
  • Understand how to leverage Project statistics
  • Apply a material resource to a task and examine the impact to project costs.

Module 9: Creating an Initial Schedule

  • This module explains how Project calculates a schedule based on task relationships and task duration. Students will understand the purpose of identifying critical path tasks and will be able to identify schedule floats within the project.
  • Lessons
  • Calculate float and identify a project’s critical path.
  • Understand and identify task constraints.
  • Create milestones.
  • Use the Task Inspector to troubleshoot the initial schedule.
  • Lab 1: Calculating an Initial schedule
  • Reviewing changes that can have a positive or negative impact on the project plan.

Module 10: Create a Resource Leveled Schedule

  • This module explains how over-allocated resources create unrealistic schedules and shows methods for rescheduling in order to create a realistic schedule based on resource availability.
  • Lessons
  • Adjust a project schedule to account for limited people and other resources.
  • View the overall cost and schedule of a project.
  • Identify resources that have been overallocated for a project schedule.
  • Use multiple ways to adjust tasks and assignments to remove over allocation for any resource.
  • Lab 1: Resource Leveling
  • Evaluate the project’s resource plan using the resource views.
  • Adjust the schedule manually.
  • Adjust the schedule using the leveling feature.

Module 11: Managing the Project

  • This module explains how to use Microsoft Project to control a project. Students will save their plan to a baseline and see how entering actual task performance data enables them to view differences between planned and actual performance.
  • Lessons
  • Learn how to set a baseline.
  • Learn how to enter and track project performance data.
  • Learn how to apply different tracking methods.
  • Learn how to perform a variance analysis on a project.
  • Learn how to Reschedule Work
  • Learn how to inactivate tasks
  • Learn how to synch projects to SharePoint
  • Lab 1: The Baseline
  • Use Project Statics to see the changes in a project plan.
  • Use the variance tables to understand the changes in a project plan.
  • Understand the value of baselining.
  • Lab 2: Baselining & Tracking Performance
  • Understand the value of Baselining a project.
  • Understand how to Enter Actuals and measuring their impact.
  • Lab 3: Variance
  • Understand how variance is calculated with cost, finish and work.

Module 12: Formatting Output and Printing Reports

  • This module explains how participants will be able to control project output by creating and using Custom Fields, Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping of the project data.
  • Lessons
  • Print
  • Views
  • Formats
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • Grouping
  • Custom Fields
  • Reporting
  • Other File Formats
  • Lab 1: Use the Grouping Feature
  • Create new fields to group.
  • Create new group fields.
  • Create new views.
  • Lab 2: Create Visual Reports in Project 2019
  • Learn how to leverage Microsoft Project’s View Report features.
  • Learn how to create a Visual Report.

Module 13: Managing Multiple Projects

  • This module explains how to view many projects as parts of one very large project in order to gain new views on resource availability and task relationships among projects.
  • Lessons
  • Learn how to use common resources among multiple projects.
  • Learn how to link tasks between multiple projects.
  • Learn how to create a consolidated view of multiple projects.
  • Lab 1: Identifying Overallocated Resources from a Resource Pool and Consolidated File
  • Learn how to create a master project file.
  • Open Resource Pool.
  • Learn how to look for over-allocated resources.

Module 14: Advanced Topics

  • This module explains how to leverage some of the advanced features of Microsoft Project.
  • Lessons
  • Learn how to customize the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Learn how to customize WBS numbering.
  • Learn the concepts of Formulas and Graphical indicators.
  • Learn the purpose of the Global template and Organizer.
  • Learn how to record a Macro.
  • Lab 1: Recording a Macro in Microsoft Project
  • Learn how to create a macro that will automate a process.
Dates Times Location Price
4/9/25 - 4/11/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $1,495

5/5/25 - 5/7/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $1,495

6/4/25 - 6/6/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $1,495

6/30/25 - 7/2/25 Live Online from our site or yours. $1,495

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Project On-Demand: Microsoft Project Complete (Fundamentals-Advanced)

** Note: This is an On-Demand (self-study) course, 90-day, 24/7 access via the internet **

(Applicable State and Local taxes may be added for On-Demand purchases, depending on your location.)

About This Course

This online, On-Demand (self-study) Microsoft Project course includes hours of instructor video demonstrations, lecture and lab exercises. This learning course covers fundamentals through advanced material and refers to 2013 to 2019 and Office 365 Project Professional. Note: The 90-day access period will begin at time of purchase.

**What You Need to Take this Training**

You will need Microsoft Project software or free trial and a high-speed internet connection.


The course is designed to teach project managers how to create, update and manage project schedules with Microsoft Project. Participants will learn how to create new projects, enter tasks, create a WBS, set dependencies, create constraints and deadlines and manage resource assignments. You will also learn how to analyze and manage resources over and under-allocations, set baselines, track and manage progress and generate reports. Advanced topics covering master, sub-projects and resource pools will also be learning topics. We will also go over macros, EVM and advanced dashboard reporting as part of the curriculum. Sharing with SharePoint and managing templates will also be areas of learning in this course.


This course is intended for project, program and portfolio managers who will be working with Project and will be responsible for creating and managing projects and resources with Project. This course does not assume any previous knowledge of Microsoft Project but a basic understanding of windows and other Microsoft applications will be helpful. Familiarity with project concepts is helpful but not required.

Do You Still Prefer a Live, Instructor-led Class?
Already know Project On-Demand training is not right for you? We also offer this course in a live, instructor-led format. For more details, click on the link below:
Microsoft Project Instructor-led Training

At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Explore the Project Environment
• Getting Started with Microsoft Project
• Modifying and Organizing a Task list
• Shaping the schedule
• Modifying Task Dependencies
• Working with Calendars
• Using Project Resources
• Entering Project Costs
• Task Type Settings
• Resolving Resource Over-allocations
• Setting Constraints and Deadlines
• Tracking Project Progress
• Reporting in Project
• Customizing the Project Environment
• Creating and Managing custom Fields, Tables and Views
• Importing and Exporting Project Data
• Managing Project Templates and Sharing with SharePoint
• Working with Master Projects, Sub-Projects and Resource Pools
• Advanced Dashboard & Visual Reporting
• Tracking and Analyzing EVM
• Automating with Macros
• Advanced Customizations with Project

Course Outline

Introduction: Welcome to Project Professional 2016/2019/P3

  • Module 1: Exploring the Project Environment
  • Module 2: Getting Started with Project
  • Module 3: Managing and Organizing a Task List
  • Module 4: Shaping the Schedule
  • Module 5: Managing Resources
  • Module 6: Working with Calendars
  • Module 7: Managing Costs
  • Module 8: Task Types Settings
  • Module 9: Resource Allocations and Conflicts
  • Module 10: Schedule Constraints & Deadlines
  • Module 11: Tracking Project Progress
  • Module 12: Filtering and Grouping
  • Module 13: Project Reporting
  • Module 14: Customizing the Project Environment
  • Module 15: Managing custom fields, Tables and Views
  • Module 16: Importing and Exporting Project Data
  • Module 17: Managing Project Templates and Sharing with SharePoint
  • Module 18: Working with Master, Sub-Projects and Resource Pools
  • Module 19: Advanced Dashboard & Visual Reporting
  • Module 20: Analyzing Progress and EVM
  • Module 21: Automating with Macros
Title Price
Project On-Demand: Microsoft Project Complete (Fundamentals-Advanced) $995


View all Microsoft Office classes

View other Project Management classes ONLC offers

ONLC Value Adds for Microsoft Project Training and Resources

Along with outstanding training, attendees in our public, live instructor-led classes have these options and benefits:

  • Satisfaction Guarantee
    There is no better way for you to experience the quality of our live, instructor-led training than to take a class. Those not familiar with ONLC can take a public, instructor-led class risk-free knowing we offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee. See satisfaction guarantee details

  • Optional Class Retake
    Need a second look at a public, instructor-led ILT course you already attended with ONLC? Our optional refresher course lets you repeat the same course one time (1x) for free. Some restrictions apply and are not applicable for On-Demand courses. See Retake class details

Why Learn with ONLC?

  • Expert Instructors: At ONLC, you'll learn Microsoft Project from certified professionals with extensive experience in project scheduling and project management software. Our instructors provide hands-on, personalized training to help you master Microsoft Project, including creating schedules, managing resources, and tracking project progress.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Our Microsoft Project training courses are designed to fit your schedule. Choose between live, interactive sessions or on-demand recorded classes to learn at your own pace. ONLC's flexible options ensure you can gain expertise in project scheduling and project management software whenever it suits you.
  • Career Growth and Job Opportunities: Proficiency in Microsoft Project is essential for advancing in project management roles. By completing a Microsoft Project training course, you can strengthen your resume and open doors to positions like Project Manager or Scheduler.
  • Professional Certification Preparation: ONLC's comprehensive Microsoft Project training courses are tailored to prepare you for Microsoft Project certification. Through in-depth lessons and practice tests, we ensure you're ready to excel. Explore our full range of courses today and become a Microsoft Project-certified expert!

Frequently Asked Questions About Learning Microsoft Project

Is MS Project hard to learn?

Microsoft Project can have a learning curve, especially for those new to project management tools. However, with the right training and practice, most users can become comfortable with its features. The software's interface is similar to other Microsoft Office products, which makes it more intuitive for those familiar with tools like Excel or Word. Beginners may find some of the advanced features complex, but structured training and tutorials can simplify the learning process.

How long does it take to learn Microsoft Project?

The time it takes to learn Microsoft Project depends on your prior experience and the depth of knowledge you wish to achieve. For beginners, it may take a few days to grasp the basics, while mastering more advanced features could take a few weeks to a few months. Many training courses offer structured learning paths that can guide you to proficiency within a specific timeframe.

Who should take Microsoft Project training courses?

Microsoft Project training courses are ideal for project managers, team leads, business analysts, and anyone involved in planning and executing projects. Whether you are a beginner looking to enter the field of project management or an experienced professional seeking to refine your skills, Microsoft Project training can help you gain the expertise needed to manage projects more effectively.

How do I choose the right Microsoft Project training course for my needs?

To choose the right Microsoft Project training course, consider your current experience level, professional goals, and the specific features of Microsoft Project you need to learn. Beginners might look for courses that cover the basics, while more experienced users may seek advanced training that focuses on complex project management techniques or integration with other tools. Additionally, check if the course offers hands-on practice, certification opportunities, and flexibility in learning (online vs. in-person).

Are there any prerequisites for taking a Microsoft Project training course?

There are generally no particular prerequisites for taking a Microsoft Project training course, especially at the beginner level. However, having a basic understanding of project management concepts and experience with other Microsoft Office tools, like Excel, can be helpful. Advanced courses may require familiarity with the software's core features.

Is Microsoft Project training available for beginners?

Yes, Microsoft Project training is available for beginners. These courses typically cover the fundamentals, such as creating project plans, scheduling tasks, assigning resources, and tracking project progress. Beginner courses are designed to help new users understand the core features of Microsoft Project and how to apply them in real-world scenarios.

What job roles require Microsoft Project skills?

Job roles that often require Microsoft Project skills include project managers, program managers, team leads, project coordinators, business analysts, and operations managers. Additionally, professionals in fields like construction, IT, engineering, and marketing can benefit from knowing how to use Microsoft Project to plan and manage their projects effectively.

What are the benefits of learning Microsoft Project for my career?

Learning Microsoft Project can significantly boost your career by equipping you with essential project management skills. Whether you are a project manager, team leader, or business analyst, mastering Microsoft Project helps you efficiently plan, track, and manage projects, leading to better project outcomes. Additionally, proficiency in Microsoft Project is a valuable skill that can set you apart in the job market, making you a more attractive candidate for roles in project management and related fields.


Learning Resources

Project Certifications for Microsoft Professionals

Though Microsoft Project certification can no longer be obtained (Microsoft retired Exam 74-343: Managing Projects as of July 31, 2019), ONLC provides training for other project management certifications programs like CompTIA Project+ and PMP PMI®.
See all Project Management Training click link.

Microsoft Project News & Offers

ONLC Training Centers has locations coast to coast

ONLC Centers Coast to Coast
ONLC provides live, hands-on classes with an online instructor at our hundreds of training centers coast to coast. Our centers are fully equipped and provide an interruption-free environment to focus on learning. Find ONLC centers near me click link.


Train at Home

Live Microsoft Project Classes from Home
Attend our live, instructor-led classes from the comfort and convenience of your own location. The setup is very easy and you don't have to have the class software. Follow our easy setup video . If you're still not sure about the setup after contact an ONLC Advisor toll free for assistance.


Group training available from ONLC

Microsoft Project Group Training
ONLC offers complete solutions so coordinators can successfully upskill their teams while maintaining their budget. Training can be via our public schedule or private sessions delivered virtually or on-site in-person. Content can be customized to meet a client's specific needs for private training. To explore how ONLC can minimize training costs while maximizing learning and to receive a price quote see Group Training .


Earn Professional credits for attending some of ONLC's classes

Earn Professional Credits
Many of ONLC's courses are approved for professional credits including CEUs (Continuing Education Unit), CPEs (Continuing Professional Education) and PDUs (Professional Development Units). Each credit program has its own requirements and process. The course certificate an ONLC student receives is proof of course completion for credit submission. Learn more about professional credits click link.



Have Questions about ONLC's Project training?

Our Education Advisors can answer questions you may have about our classes, training options and professional certification. They can also help you find a training path that is right for your background and your goals. Advisors are available weekdays at our toll free number or via the CHAT feature.



Project Training Locations

Looking for Microsoft Project classes near me? All of our Microsoft Project training is available at our locations listed below. Click the plus sign on the right to expand and show the sites grouped by state.
