Pro Day
2023 Event:
Franco Harris
Golf & Reception
Advertising Opportunities
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Bill Ray Barnes
Greg Buttle
Deron Cherry
Andre Collins
Mike Devlin
Glenn Foley
Irving Fryar
Ron Gassert
William Green
Bill Gordon
Dino Hall
Franco Harris
Dwight Hicks
Bryant McKinnie
Kareem McKenzie
Mike Quick
Shaun Phillips
Gregg Rakoczy
Isaac Redman
Dave Robinson
Tony Sacca
Pete Shaw
Ed Smith
Irv Smith
Art Still
Troy Vincent
Other Information
Fun at Pro Day 2022
Fun at Pro Day 2021
Fun at Pro Day 2016
Fun at Pro Day 2015
Fun at Pro Day 2014
Fun at Pro Day 2010
Fun at Pro Day 2008
Fun at Pro Day 2007
Fun at Pro Day 2006
Fun at Pro Day 2005
Fun at Pro Day 2004
Fun at Pro Day 2003
Fun at Pro Day 2002
Pro Day Committee
Contact Pro Day
� PRO DAY 2004 � |

Ukee Washington (center) of KYW-TV 3 joined us for
this year's Pro Day! |

Former football pro, Mike Quick (center), joined Pro Day member Bruce Gordon (left)
and Precision Cars for this year's tournament.
Team Alaimo Engineering was joined by last year's
Pro Day Honoree and football great, Lydell Mitchell (pictured left). | 
Our event has grown so much we're now on two courses.
Pictured above is Team Crowe at nearby Burlington County Country Club. |

The Plus Group's team along with former pro football
players Irving Fryar (second from left) and Mike Rozier (second from right) were
swinging on the course. | 
Father Nature's team took the day off from landscaping
to admire the greens at Pro Day. Thanks for your support! |

Many past honorees continue to support Pro Day like
former pro player Andre` Collins (third from left.) | 
Tthe ladies were swinging at Pro Day! |

Lem Burnham, former football pro, couldn't wait to
get on the course. Frank Smith is holding on!
This year's honoree, Tony Sacca (second from right) brought along his team. |

Always a big sponsor of Pro Day, the Virtua Team looked stylish on the course. | 
Team RV was our winning foursome this year—congratulations! |

It's in the's in the hole! | 
This year's honoree, Tony Sacca...oh look at the time! |

A scrumptious buffet followed the golf. | 
Many, including Mike Quick (center), enjoyed the reception
out on the terrace. |

Frank Smith (right) pictured with Pro Day's Bruce
Gordon won closest to the hole. One more inch and he would have had a 2005 Mercedes...ouch! |
Sandy Parker (left) with Pro Day's Tom Gibson. |
Lydell Mitchell preparing to auction off the Super
Bowl package |
Doris Alaimo (left) with Pro Day's Tom Gibson |
Pro Day's Neil Hutton (left) congratulates another
golf winner. |
Steve Hruby (right) won a pie baked by Bobby Gordon -- wife of Pro Day's founder Coach Bill Gordon (portrait). |
Doug Walker (left) also won one of Bobby Gordon's
pies. |
Lots of fun at Pro Day. |
Another pie for a good cause. |
Guess who's going to the Super Bowl? Lydell Mitchell
(center) auctioned off the package which includes Super Bowl game tickets, air,
hotel and golfing at Franco Harris' golf tournament at the Bowl. Steve Hruby (left)
and Doug Walker (right) were this year's top bidders. Congratulations guys and
have fun in Jacksonville! | All
photos courtesy of Jack
Elberson photography. For more
information be sure to visit our links in the left column, or contact us at...

2015, Bill Gordon Mt. Holly Pro Day c/o
Carmen A. Cella 9 Hopewell Avenue Lumberton, NJ
08048 |