IT is one of the most in-demand fields. High salaries, job portability, and broad career paths make it an attractive field for those just starting their professional careers and those looking to switch careers later in life. With the continually growing reliance on tech systems, cloud infrastructure, and remote work, IT professionals won’t be out […]

why learn sql

Almost everyone deals with data in the course of their day-to-day work. Whether you’re sorting through Salesforce records, managing customer data in a CRM, or even just looking through an Excel spreadsheet, it’s all data. Dealing with data can become challenging even at only a few hundred rows, but learning Microsoft SQL Server can make […]

keyboard - top 5 IT jobs

There has never been a better time than now to get into a career in IT.    The COVID-19 pandemic forced the private and public sectors to remote work, the importance of IT and tech roles skyrocketed.    Growth in software development, artificial intelligence, network management, cloud computing, and other tech jobs has outpaced almost […]

project management with computer

PMP is one of the most widely recognized certifications in the world, with over 1,000,000 holders across the globe.  Having a PMP certification can open new career doors at almost any type of company, but it’s not an easy certification to get.  How To Get Your PMP Certification What is a PMP Certification?  Project Management […]

marketing power BI

Reporting is often one of the most challenging aspects of any marketing campaign.  Whether you’re an in-house marketing director, solo consultant, or handling multiple clients within an agency, reporting can make or break relationships and retainers.  The domination of digital marketing has created a whole new set of KPIs to report on, like CPC, CPC, […]

corporate group training

Corporate training programs are an excellent way to educate large portions of your workforce, improving daily efficiency, reducing frustrations, and help them grow their career skill sets. Additionally, it can help reduce the burden on IT departments and trainers. Regardless of your team’s size, investing in group training can pay dividends in the workplace.   Group […]

woman working a cybersecurity job

2021 has seen businesses fully embrace the transition to online operations and remote work that were introduced in 2020, and 2022 shows no signs of that trend slowing.  With this growing transition to online and remote operations, the need for cyber security and IT professionals is only increasing.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics is projecting […]

adobe courses

Adobe makes software programs for a variety of media including print, video, film, and dynamic digital content. Adobe Creative Cloud, which contains Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, XD, and Acrobat DC are some of the most commonly used software suites for graphic design, web design, and marketing across the globe.  Courses from ONLC can help […]
