As a data professional looking to advance your career, you have to familiarize yourself with Power BI. This means that you have to undergo Power BI training and be certified by Microsoft. Fortunately, you can now have your Power BI training online. But when did Power BI come out? What is the best way to […]

Microsoft SharePoint offers various pre-programmed mini-applications that simplify and automate different business processes within a corporation. These mini-applications are commonly referred to as workflows and are meant to cut down the amount of time and effort you put to achieve your daily business goals. There are many SharePoint online benefits you can enjoy when you […]

Microsoft SharePoint has proved to be an essential tool for businesses and organizations around the world, thanks to its ability to allow them to automate their business processes, monitor progress, and share information safely across departments. You can also improve your workflow in SharePoint and enjoy many other online benefits. But what is SharePoint used […]

Many people who use Microsoft 365 and Teams have Microsoft SharePoint, but very few know how to use it. This program was developed in 2001 by Microsoft to enable individuals and organizations to organize important content like images, documents, webpages, links, videos, lists of information, and tasks. Unfortunately, this program remains underutilized because people who […]

As the modern business industry continues to advance, business intelligence (BI) has become critical as it enables business owners to analyze the available data so that they can make informed decisions. This is why large enterprises and small-scale businesses are investing massive resources in advanced BI data tools like Power BI from Microsoft and highly […]

Microsoft Power BI has become an integral part of modern business, thanks to its effectiveness in enabling business owners and data analysts to clean, alter, model, and visualize important data. Its popularity has led to a constant increase in demand for experts with deep knowledge of Power BI. So, if you’re looking to venture into […]

Microsoft Power BI is a software solution that features business intelligence (BI) services and products which convert data from a variety of different sources into reports, visualizations, and interactive dashboards.  The goal here is to enable users the ability to share data insights with others who work at their organization or provide them with the […]

Power BI is one of the most commonly used software solutions developed by Microsoft. It aims to enable businesses to connect to apps and use connectors to turn unrelated sources of data into something visually pleasing, immersive, and interactive. Power BI is a unified, scalable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI) which can […]

Microsoft’s Power BI is a software package that provides access to a collection of tools and services which aim to help businesses analyze complex information and convert it into visual insights. Through visualization, different sectors can improve their data analysis and decision-making processes, all of which can lead to higher profitability.  Anyone can learn how […]

Power BI is one of the flagship software-based products within Microsoft’s offering, and it enables users the opportunity to build reports and dashboards with interactive visualization elements. This data visualization along with the business intelligence tool is utilized by many within the industry to convert data from different sources into an interactive dashboard. Anyone can […]
