How to Take the CompTIA Security+ Exam

Last Updated on May 22, 2024
CompTIA Security+ is one of the most popular certifications in information technology and cybersecurity. Every IT professional planning to venture into the field of cybersecurity is encouraged to get this certification because it can have a significant impact on their career–but is CompTIA Security+ worth it?
This is a major concern among IT experts who want to advance their careers. The truth is that CompTIA Security+ certification is an important credential when you’re looking for ways to take your career in IT to the next level and stay ahead of your colleagues in the industry.
To obtain this certificate, you must take a CompTIA Security+ exam, which means that you may need to consider attending Security Plus training before you take the exam. This article will show you how to take this exam and acquire the coveted certificate.
What Is CompTIA Security+ Certification?
CompTIA Security+ is the CompTIA certification to get first–it’s an international certification designed to validate the baseline knowledge and skills that an IT professional needs to perform core information and cybersecurity functions and advance their career in IT security. This certification is offered by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), which presents the certification as the primary security-based certification that every IT professional should earn.
There are numerous reasons why you should have this certification, including gaining global recognition, better job opportunities, a higher salary, the opportunity to expand your knowledge base, and more.
Still, the first hurdle you need to overcome before you get this certificate is to pass the exam. Because CompTIA Security+ is an entry-level certificate, you don’t need to have extensive working experience to pass this exam. However, you need to understand what the exam entails and how to complete it successfully.
What Does CompTIA Security+ Exam Entail?
The CompTIA Security+ exam emphasizes the best practices in risk management and moderation. It contains no more than ninety questions, which cover subject matter such as security threats, weaknesses, incident response, architecture designs, implementation, compliance, and governance.
These subjects are important because they cover the typical functions and duties of an IT security and systems administrator. They test your ability to identify and troubleshoot problems and security issues in your network, come up with the most effective wired and wireless network architecture ideas, install and organize network modules, and configure identities and other access services.
As you prepare to take your CompTIA Security+ exam, make sure you’re familiar with critical functions, such as packet capture, exploration frameworks, network discovery, network reconnaissance, password crackers, penetration testing, file manipulation, and forensics among others. Before certification, you must demonstrate a deep working knowledge of all security concepts, procedures, and mechanisms. You should also be able to react to security risks and threats, participate in risk mitigation and management, analyze threats, and operate within the limits of applicable guidelines.
Preparing for CompTIA Security+ Exam
Expect a mixture of about ninety drag-and-drop, multiple-choice, and performance-based questions in your CompTIA Security+ exam. The performance-based items present hands-on ability questions and are intended to determine your ability to identify and deal with security threats, weaknesses, and attacks.
Fortunately, CompTIA offers a wide range of tools to help you prepare for the exam, including study guides, online courses, and e-learning materials. Use these resources to study IT threats, weaknesses, and attacks; identity and access management; cryptography, technologies and tools, architecture and designs, and risk management. These are the main areas that you’ll be tested on.
You should also expect to be given an exit assessment, which contains about twenty multiple-choice questions about your understanding of CompTIA and why you need the CompTIA Security+ certification. However, in most cases, this exit assessment is optional.
How to Take Your CompTIA Security+ Exam
High-stakes CompTIA Security+ exams are done at Pearson VUE testing centers in a highly-secure area. So, you need to contact Pearson Vue for advice on the testing centers near you. The next step is to purchase a voucher or training bundle–this is a code designed to allow you to register for your test. You should only buy this voucher when you’re completely ready to take the exam.
Once you’ve obtained your testing voucher, schedule your test and choose the right Pearson VUE testing center. It’s advisable to select a testing center that’s near you to avoid traveling long distances for your exam. Luckily, there are many testing centers across the globe.
If you’re in the military, you’re allowed to schedule your CompTIA Security+ exam from an on-base testing center. This exam usually takes about an hour and a half to complete, so take your time to understand each question and come up with the most satisfactory answer.