Category Archives Microsoft

Researching Best IT Certificate

The first step in our five-part series outlining each step of how to earn employer sponsorship for IT training begins with researching the right certification for your current job. Whether your current position requires a deeper understanding of technology or you are looking to take on a role with more responsibility – there’s an IT […]

data science skills for executives

One of the most in-demand tech careers out there is Data Science. This term refers to the skills one needs to have in order to gather, process, analyze, and communicate data results to a target audience to achieve a specific goal. Now more than ever, data science skills are important if one wants to advance […]


Business owners, no matter what industry they are in, are all investing in the same thing: their employees. Companies that sponsor employee training and encourage employees to expand their skill sets historically have seen higher productivity and better team retention. In the past, we have discussed the benefits of paid employee IT training and even […]

microsoft technical certifications

There have been plenty of changes recently to the Microsoft certification structure. Primarily, these changes have been driven by the increasing emphasis on cloud technology. Azure is Microsoft’s flagship cloud computing service. Almost all of Microsoft’s certification tracts have been modified to include information about Azure integration in its products and how they will function […]

msce productivity question

Update: On January 31, 2021 Microsoft retired Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Solutions Expert (MCSE) and Solutions Developer (MCSD) certifications. In their place are Microsoft’s Role-based certifications.   There is hardly a more prestigious certification in the computer networking world than the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert Certification. The MCSE conveys to employers that an IT […]

Power BI is quickly becoming one of the most popular reporting platforms. Due in part to it being bundled with Office 365 and working seamlessly with all Microsoft data sources as well as about any other data source out there. Let’s take a look at some use cases and examples of what you could accomplish […]

Microsoft Office software

A prime example of what makes Microsoft certifications so prestigious and valuable to employers is the fact they are routinely updated to reflect current technology disciplines. These routine updates make Microsoft certifications tougher to obtain and to maintain, therefore conveying to employers one’s ability to learn new skills and remain up-to-date with the industry. To […]

Getting a certification of any kind is never a bad idea. However, some are more lucrative and/or prestigious than others. If you’re a technical professional working in the Microsoft world, hardly any certification is as highly prized as an MCSD – Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Let’s take a look at some of the positions you […]

Building Your Microsoft Azure Skills ONLC Training Centers

Microsoft Azure has been around for several years now and most everyone in the business or technology world has at least heard of it. Most people in the business can also feel the wind shifting and sense that the next big technology revolution is close at hand. More and more networks and systems are transitioning, […]

Do You Know all of Microsoft's Programs? ONLC Training Centers

If you’ve operated a computer in the last 30 years, you’re most likely familiar with Microsoft technology. You may not be an expert at running their many productivity programs, but you’ve probably created a document in Word, a spreadsheet in Excel or a presentation in PowerPoint throughout your career. But what other Microsoft programs have […]
