5 Reasons All Professionals Should Learn WordPress ONLC Training Centers

Last Updated on November 29, 2022

In your daily browsing, you’ve most likely come across websites that have been created in WordPress. WordPress is currently the most popular way for users to build their own websites. This is because of it’s easy to use platform, interactive features, and downloadable content.

If you can effectively type a document in Word, then chances are that you can pick up WordPress and create a basic website. However, most people still think that WordPress is too hard and have reservations about getting started. Let’s take a look at some of the skills that you can acquire by leaping into WordPress development and why everyone should learn how to create websites in WordPress.

1. Personal and Professional Use

As mentioned above, if you can type a Word document, you can create a rudimentary web page using WordPress. You can choose your page layout, your website’s theme and then you can begin adding your content. You can include images, move text to different areas of your page and voila, you have a website. You can also use it for personal use to create a blog or display your knick-knack collection for the world to see.

For professional use, you can dive into the more technical aspects of WordPress. There are an infinite number of open source plugins that can be added to your site to do anything from displaying the current weather to facilitating basic data input to a database. The sky’s the limit to what you can build without having any real technical ability.

2. Teamwork

You can also learn to work with others to build your website. Working on a website with a team can help build comradery and make your website more efficient through the free flow of ideas from team members from different backgrounds and experiences. These skills are very valuable because prospective employers are always looking for new hires that have experience working with teams and who have proven that they are a proficient team player.

3. Problem-Solving

Building anything from the ground up helps to develop problem-solving skills. This is especially true with website development; you never know what you’re going to run into until you begin. Sometimes things don’t look, act, or fit together like you think they should. By learning to tweak things and developing patterns and little tricks that can be reproduced, you learn how to solve problems that can arise during the development process. Additionally, these skills can be carried over to every aspect of your life.

4. Organization

The key to building a good website is organization. You learn how to place things on the page so that it makes sense to the user. If a page doesn’t make sense, you will learn quickly through user feedback. After several cycles of this, you start to learn how to best display your content to your users so that it makes sense to them. Every new development project that you undertake will become more and more organized and will take less time to build.

5. Technical and Software Knowledge

Building websites with WordPress can feel like you’re just creating documents at first. However, after you’ve developed a few pages, published them to real users and have gone through redevelopment per their feedback, you will begin to learn how software is really built. As you continue to develop more complicated and powerful websites, you will gain technical skills that can help you grow in knowledge to the point that you can parlay them into a professional or technical career or even teach others what you’ve learned.

These are just 5 of the many reasons to take the plunge into WordPress website development. But there are so many more – including that WordPress just released their newest version, 5.0.1, which includes security features to protect content and users. Therefore, there’s no better time than the present to get up to speed on the most recent data and features that WordPress has to offer. Contact ONLC today to enroll in one of our WordPress courses and be on your way to becoming a WordPress development master in no time!

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